
Showing posts from July, 2020

Space Settlement

        The Aldrin Space Settlement Space Art - National Space Society                Playing cricket when the batsman hardly needs to hit the ball. He touches it with two of his fingers and the ball floats off. The fielder floats towards the ball to catch it. Yeah, an imaginary world. Gravity keeps us grounded here on earth. But what about living in outer space? Is it possible? When? And how?   The sole reason we are thinking about an outer space settlement is to survive and thrive. We living things want to grow and expand. We are very well aware of the threats we are going to face due to the level of climate change that has happened. Global warming might end civilization which was about to happen nearly 5 billion years later due to the red-giant stage of our sun. Another key advantage of space settlement is the ability to build new land, rather than take it from someone else. This allows a thriving, expansive civilization without war or destruction of Earth's biosphere.   Once

Future of Space Exploration

              After a tiring day with a lot of playing and climbing trees and running from his mother, the child lay down in his garden at night to get some sleep. His ritual was to count the twinkling, shiny objects in the sky and dream about visiting those once. This dream was shared by every single child in the world. The bright light which was shiny and colorful blazing in the darkness caught everyone’s eyes. Some wanted to explore the darkness, while some were determined to reveal the secrets of those blazing objects. This was the point where the seed to explore the space was sowed. We began venturing into space since October 4, 1957, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth. This happened during the period of political hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States known as the Cold War.   It is believed to have orbited Earth at a height of about 250 km. It had two radio transmitters, which

Gravitational Lensing

Gravitational Lensing Visualization           In the early 1900s the great German physicist Albert Einstein gave his groundbreaking theory of relativity. In the theory, he predicted that space and time is not what we had always perceived, rather, it is a 4-dimensional net-a fabric of spacetime. This fabric bent around any object existing in the fabric. The distortion increased near massive objects and was negligible around tiny bodies like us. This gave rise to a new concept of gravity. For generations gravity was considered to be the weakest of all the fundamental forces and was considered to be an attractive force between two masses. Now according to Einstein’s theory, gravity was causing a spacetime distortion, which was the new reason to explain the revolution of planets around massive bodies like sun.  Light has been a mystery since forever, but some properties were absolutely right then and are true even now. For example: light travels in straight line. This property was the rea