Here Is Everything You Need To Know About China's Space Station


Do you know where scientists conduct research in space? What is that place in space where astronauts linger for months? Yes, you are guessing it right- it is "the one and only International Space Station". But the ISS is no more the "one and only" place in space to stay and conduct research. China has launched its space station officially known as Tiangong Space Station. It is a modular space station in which astronauts will stay for six months in Earth's orbit. The successful launch of three astronauts on the Chinese Space Station made China the third country to independently send humans into space. 

China started the construction of the Tiangong Space Station in 2021 and is expected to complete it in 2022 after 11 missions. These include three launches of different modules, four launches of cargo vehicles, and four crewed launches. 

Space Station Technology 

Tiangong Space Station|Source:

Like Mir Space Station, Tiangong Space Station has a central module to which other modules are added gradually. It initially consisted of its core module Tianhe-1,  scientific modules Wentian and Mengtian, and the Xuntian. 

Tianhe can accommodate three crew members and provides guidance, navigation, and orientation control for the station. The module is also equipped with the station's power, propulsion, and life support systems. Moreover, it consists of five docking ports that allow the addition of new experimental modules. The module is divided into three parts: living quarters, a service section, and a docking hub. 

Wentian and Mengetian are scientific modules and are used to carry out experiments in the areas of life sciences, biotechnology, physics, material sciences, microgravity, etc. They are designed to provide additional navigation avionics, propulsion, and orientation control. 

Blue print of the Space Station|Source:

There are two docking hubs on the forward part of Tianhe that allow the addition of two radial ports. These also provide docking access to Tianzhou cargo on the forward dock and Shenzhou cargo on the nadir port (Tianzhou and Shenzhou are cargo spacecraft to carry supplies to its space station). Mention and Wentian will first dock forward. Hence, a Lyappa robotic arm has been deployed on each module to move the module from forwarding a port to its permanent position. 

Tianzhou and Shenzhou spacecraft will supply crew members, station equipment, spacewalk items, etc. In addition to this, they will also transfer fuel, oxygen, and water to the station regularly. 

Mission Background

The idea of building a space station didn't come all of a sudden. It is the result of incessant efforts for several years.

The Tiangong space program aims to develop a modular space station. It is part of China's Manned Space Program which began in 1992.  

China Manned Space Program, also known as Project 921, was given authorization in 1992 and encompasses the Shenzhou Program, the Tiangong Program, and the Chinese Space Station. The program was divided into three steps:

  1. Step 1: Launching a crewed spaceship to build up fundamental capability in human exploration and space experiments.

  2. Step 2: Launching a space laboratory for scientific research and providing a solution for man-tended space utilization on a certain scale.

  3. Step 3: Establishing a Space Station to accommodate long-term man-tended utilization on a large scale.

The program sped up with the launch of the Shenzhou 1 spacecraft on November 20, 1999, and its recovery after a flight of 21 hours. In 2002, China successfully launched Shenzhou 3 and Shenzhou 4 indicating that a manned mission was ready to be conducted. This was followed by a successful crewed space program, in 2003, sending Yang Liwei into space aboard Shenzhou 5 making China the third country capable of sending humans to space independently. 

In 2008, China set a remarkable benchmark by sending three astronauts docked in Shenzhou 7 and completed China's first EVA. The launch of Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 8 in 2011 came out to be a triumph that performed China's first automatic rendezvous and docking. But Tiangong 1 became a trailblazer when a crew of three astronauts stayed for 12 days in Tiangong 1 and conducted scientific experiments.

Hold on! A milestone is yet to be achieved. Here comes the launch of Tiangong 2(in 2016)! It was a space laboratory with more advanced equipment than Tiangong 1, which was docked with Shenzhou 11 and two astronauts entered it. The second step came to an end with the successful launch of Tianzhou 1, China's first cargo spacecraft.

Picture showing Tianhe Core Module|Source:

Here began the last step of the program with the lift-off of the Tianhe core module, marking the start of the in-orbit construction of China's space station. On June 17, 2021, Shenzhou 12 took the first crew of three members to become the first inhabitants of the Tiangong Space Station. But note the date: June 5, 2022. This was the day when the most important part of the last step was accomplished. China, finally, launched Shenzhou 14 which docked at Tianhe to send three astronauts who will spend six months on the space station.

The mission has the following objectives:

  • Building the China Space Station by 2022.

  • Mastering long-term human spaceflight technology

  • Acquiring abilities of long-term man-tended space science and technology. 

  • Exploiting space resources comprehensively. 

Future Prospects

The China Manned Space Agency(CMSA) is considering further and long-term development in human space exploration after the successful deployment of the space station. With this, China will continue to explore the vast space, deeper and farther. 

China has shown interest in cooperating with other countries in human space flight and activities related to space exploration. CMSA announced that it will accept applications from United Nations member states to conduct flight experiments on board China's space station for scientists from all around the world. Since CMSA signed a Framework Agreement and a Funding Agreement with UNOOSA, it will provide opportunities such as workshops and expert meetings for partners to exchange progress.


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